Safe to 16: A course to protect children against sexual offenders

About Us

Brent Rice – Founder of Safeto16

Brent Rice is very blessed to have enjoyed a life filled with many experiences, including; a parent of three children and one foster child; eight years in the NZ Police; a lucky step-dad to Brenda’s three children; a business owner for the last 20 years; founder and director of a nationwide youth intervention program; a restorative justice coordinator; enjoying good health throughout.

There has been the odd rough patch, including; a long battle with alcohol after being sexually abused as a teenager; the passing of his wife of 21 years; a family member dealing with a mental illness; a business failure; and a few other adventures along the way. 

Brent believes that imagination is a God-given gift, to create things that don’t yet exist.

“I believe that Safeto16 can be the vehicle to ‘make a difference’ for our next generation. We can break the cycle – right now! – starting with you in your home.”

~ Brent Rice

The worker behind the scenes

Brenda Christian (Ngāpuhi, Ngāti Kahungunu) is the long-suffering partner to Brent. They met when setting up a band 15 years ago and still enjoy playing live music.

Brenda has three children whom she adores, along with a close loving family.

Born in Auckland, she originally trained in I.T. and worked in England. Brenda came back to Aotearoa to get married. When her oldest son started school, she retrained as a teacher to remain close to them. 

Brenda enjoys the gym, snowboarding and being at home with her fur-babies.

Brenda was unaware of the extent of abuse until Brent started doing the research. 

(A study by the Royal Commission into Abuse in Care estimated that, of the 655,000 children in care from 1950 to 2019, up to 40% were abused)

Safeto16 is very timely.
